Page 112 - THE PATH
P. 112

The  reorganization  should  be  consensual,  leaving
            no  discontented  parties.    The  subjectivity  of  certain

            countries  and  their  narrow  interests  should  be

            overpowered  by  the  interest  of  the  whole  society.  By

            application of dialectical realism, science and scientific
            thought    should  find  the  right  way  to  create  organized,

            civilized, human society.

                   The need to reorganize the UN is undeniable. In my
            further presentation, I will try to propose a solution that

            would define directions for the UN reorganization.

                   In  the  creation  of  a  new  system  for  the  UN,  the
            present situation should be taken into account. i.e. there

            are differences. The present situation of each country and

            the  different  interests  should slowly  but  surely  enter  the

            phase  of  rapprochement.  When  all  the  countries  unite,
            there  will  not  be  endangered  countries,  corporations  or


                   Multinational  companies  have  nothing  to  lose  and

            wll even benefit because the economic strengthening of all
            the countries in the world will mean bigger markets and

            larger profit.

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