Page 108 - THE PATH
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arts – music, ballet, opera, fine art, sculpture, literature…
            Maybe even a new kind of art will be invented.

                   What  is  our  goal  and  task  today?  It  is  not  to

            destroy the mankind and the nature in the whole world.

                   Let  us  educate  the  society  that  every  child  is
            welcome  on  our  planet;  that  the  skin  color  is  not

            important and neither is the place of birth.

                   Demagogues  today  claim  that  the  Earth  is
            overpopulated  and  a  war  is  necessary  to  reduce  its

            population.  The  future  and  the  study  of  the  future  will

            prove that all the countries should unite into a whole.
                   Some  will  say  this  is  utopianism,  but  dialectical

            realism will deny it.

                   The  USA  is  a  state  where  Asian,  European,  Arab,

            African,  Jewish  people  live.  They  are  a  miniature  world,
            with  different  religions,  but  working  perfectly  well  and

            respecting the law. The planet Earth will work in a similar

            way.  The  Parliament  in  Washington  is  quite  democratic.

            The  planet  Earth  will  have  its  parliament  and  delegates
            from all over the world. They will represent the interests

            of  their  state  but  also  the  World  interest.  It  means  that

            instead  of  reinventing,  only  that  which  exists  will  be
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