Page 111 - THE PATH
P. 111

Forces. Their primary goal and the greatest benefit of its
            member  states  is  sustaining  world  peace  and  non-


                   The UN help and coordinate the work of hundreds

            of  agencies  and  programs  within  the  organization  and
            outside,  with  the  purpose  of  eradicating  poverty,

            combating diseases, human rights protection and ensuring

            environmental sustainability.
                   The United Nations have six basic bodies:

                   - General Committee

                   - Security , Economic and Social Council
                   - Trusteeship Council

                   - UN Secretariat

                   - International Court of Justice

                   The accomplishments of the UN in all these years
            are  impressive  and  undeniable.  However,  recent

            developments show that the UN needs to be reorganized.

                   This reorganization should be in terms of increasing

            the UN’s rights, obligations and authority in order to bring
            closer  the  positions  of  all  the  countries,  thus  tracing  the

            new way towards faster social development.

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