Page 142 - Wholeness
P. 142

Social  acknowledgement  of  the  whole  will  improve  social
        relationships.  This  will  motivate  the  incapable  to  educate

        themselves and train their skills.

        “Wise men do not practice politics according to the rules of
        the state, but according to the laws of virtue.”

         In  our  future  society,  or  the  whole,  we  have  to  renew  and
        promote the need for wise people who will lead humanity in the

        right direction.

        Epicurus  (b.  341  BCE  on  the  island  of  Samos)  is  one  of  the

        greatest philosophers of all times.

        According  to  him,  every  living  creature  seeks  for  pleasure  and
        rejoices  in  it as  it  is  the  greatest  good,  and avoids  pain  as  the

        greatest  evil  and  rejects  it  as  much  as  possible.  The  main
        purpose  of  life  is  getting  rid  of  pain  and  achieving  pleasure.

        Philosophy  provides  techniques  that  help  in  the  pursuit  of


         Philosophy points out that bliss and clear mind is wise people’s

        ideal. It is achieved through freedom from fears and influences of
        the material word, freedom from pain and lust, elimination of the

        domination by desire and lust. Realistically speaking, happiness

        is  not  unending.  It  is  not  possible  to  be  in  a  constant  state  of
        happiness;  it  exists  from  time  to  time  and  is  interrupted  by

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