Page 137 - Wholeness
P. 137

sentences  and  thoughts.  Freedom  is  essentially  possibility  to
        think  and  take  actions.  “I  want  to  be  free  to  kill  and  commit

        crimes.”  This  is  a  statement  that  would  be  condemned  by
        anyone, but we have had them so far. Nobody declares it openly,

        but hides it behind demagoguery and deceitful statements about

        good intentions, such as: “On behalf of my people and in the best
        interest of our country, we have to overpower the nondemocratic

        government  of  Country  X,  because  it  is  a  threat  to  the  safety


        The use of the word “freedom” has to be specified. “I want to be

        free because I am a slave.” The meaning is quite different from
        the  previous.  A  similar  example  is  the  word  egoism,  with  a

        positive  meaning  as  a  desire  for  development,  but  also  with  a

        negative connotation of usurping everything for oneself. Practice
        has shown that depressive and sick, but highly intelligent people

        can come to power but then cause huge problems to the society.

        Freedom needs to be in harmony with the society. In the whole,

        with a system of democratic dialectical realism, the individual will
        not be able to use demagogy for evil purposes. Nowadays, there

        are  many  rulers  (presidents,  prime  ministers)  who  use  pyramid
        schemes with their clientele to mask their evil deeds as acts of

        good will.

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