Page 146 - Wholeness
P. 146
think and live righteous lives – are Muhammad’s main messages
to people.
The whole will implement all of the moral values suggested by
wise men throughout history, who should be appreciated for their
contribution to ethics.
Jalaluddin Rumi Mevlana (b. 1207 in Persia) gave a
comprehensive interpretation of the spiritual unity of religions. His
spirit was open in order to ascend to the supreme oneness.
Rumi said, “Seventy-two peoples listen to these secrets as if
they are hundreds of sounds resounding from the same
To him, the world is unity of truth and appearance. Rumi was a
great visionary and he forebode the discovery of truth that will
lead to better life in the future. He thought that the drive to
greater heights was eternal.
This gives freedom for constant discoveries of new truths that will
replace the old ones.
Rumi suggests that people free themselves from shallowness.
He puts love on a pedestal.
“Without universal love, existence would be numb and
reduced to nothingness.”