Page 138 - Wholeness
P. 138
Various methods of study provide an opportunity to introduce
demagoguery, which produces negative results.
The old expression that it is easier to catch fish in muddy waters,
was not said in vain.
Wise people readily recognize if some aspect of the social
relationships is positive or negative. People worldwide should
acknowledge that this planet is a whole. The whole has one
common interest and goal. It is the parts of the whole that
nowadays create numerous different interests and they prevent
the solution of the social issues relevant to the whole.
Individual complete serenity (or completely serene state) is
impossible because the individual enters into relationships with
the society and the surroundings and does not live alone. Once
social serenity of the whole is established, it will bring about
individual serenity as well.
Plato made difference between ideal and transient, between the
eternal, perfect and the changeable. The subject of true learning
is the true reality. It is, according to Plato, the world of ideas as
principles, as something perfect. Ideas are unique, permanent,
inseparable, ideal. Ideas are eternal and things are changeable
and fleeting. The idea of the good is an absolute goal,