Page 172 - Wholeness
P. 172

History,  as  a  study  of  the  past,  is  torn  asunder  by  various
        nations and groups. The old saying that history is written by the

        victors is not far from the truth. The relative history that is taught
        for populist purposes is the reason why the whole is fragmented.

        History  is  among  the  elements  that  divide  people  and  poison

        society. It has contributed for the discovery and memory of the
        wise people who wanted to help humanity to have a better life.

        These people should not be forgotten, but history as a science

        needs to be set aside.

        It is said that a nation is a large body of people, united by history

        and culture that are different from those of other nations. If so,
        what  nationality  were  Adam  and  Eve?  Are  we  not  their

        descendants?  If  this  thesis  is  true,  then  we  are  all  cousins,

        brothers and sisters. It follows that, historically, all the people in
        the world have the same root. This poses the question:

        Are  the  great  figures  of  various  nations  older  than  Adam  and

        History is a study of past events and it has not contributed for the
        progress  of  the  society.  It  only  misguided  entire  nations  and

        caused  wars.  History  can  only  serve  as  a  source  of  examples

        what not to think or do.

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