Page 174 - Wholeness
P. 174
It would be logical to start with creation of a body or institution
that would absorb the will of the whole society. This body should
be in constant communication with the society in order to enact
laws that would go in line with general improvement of the social
relationships. Democratic approach to the general social conduct
in an equal system for the whole world is an inevitable process.
Such social conduct will reinforce the whole and interests will
start to integrate and unify. Managing and planning future social
development will become the main focus. Napoleon will be a
famous brand of cognac and the world will enjoy its taste but
nobody will care if Napoleon was emperor or not.
We have to demote history and promote future and direct our
attention to thinking about and dealing with all social
Changing the negative phenomena in the society will be a
necessary step in the future. After the collapse of communism
and fall of the Berlin Wall, capitalist countries started
implementing their own laws and regulations in the social areas
where communist rules were formerly applied. It was a change
for the better, but today’s conditions in the world need to be
improved and bring social relations to a higher level.