Page 168 - Wholeness
P. 168

Democratic dialectical realism has to be implemented in order to
        prevent  demagoguery.  People  need  to  control  themselves  and

        their  mutual  relations  need  to  be  regulated  in  order  to  achieve
        happiness and contentment within the whole.

        Strange  times,  pronounced  egotism,  shattered  morality,

        legalized  misconduct,  theology  emptied  of  essence,  disrespect
        for whatever is valuable. Discontentment is felt everywhere.

        One  gets  the feeling that  life  is short and needs  to  be  chewed

        down to the bone. Nobody and nothing is sacred. Twisted parts
        of the society unite, lacking shape and substance.

        Who has imposed this style and pace of life? Who benefits from it
        and  to  what  end?  People  abandon  their  homes  and  move

        towards unknown places like herds of animals.

        Pointless myths appear, lacking any meaning or story and are as

        distant from the truth as they can.

        What is going on? Human beings liv in some kind of oasis and
        think  everything  is  normal  and  good,  not  aware  that  strong

        typhoon is approaching and is going to sweep them like aardvark
        that puts its snout into the anthill. Is that the goal of some rulers?

        A demon is laughing like hell, pleased and endlessly amused by
        this horror movie, as if saying:

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