Page 175 - Wholeness
P. 175

It is inevitable for the world to unite into a whole where the place
        of living will not be a factor that defines prosperity, existence, and

        safety.  Creating  better  living  conditions  around  the  world  will
        improve the general quality of social relations. Present growing

        number  of  crisis  areas  are  the  first  priority.  The  notion  that  we

        should  not  interfere  in  the  internal  affairs  of  independent
        countries will be replaced by dealing with issues within the whole.

        The  United  Nations  have  a  mandate  to  apply  their  policies  in

        order to protect terrorized and oppressed people throughout the

        The  United  Nations  will  inevitably  undergo  reorganization  and
        introduce  a  new  system  with  higher  authorities  and


        The  Universal  Declaration  of  Human  Rights  affirms  an

        individual’s rights, but what is missing is the obligation of the one

        who grants and the one who claims. It is the key that becomes an
        abstraction of all human rights. Each person must have the right

        to refer to the United Nations about violation of their rights. The
        issue  of  rights  in  the  present  social  relations  poses  a  lot  of

        questions and awaits answers.

        The  ten  Commandments  were  given  a  long  time  ago  and
        became rules of good conduct.

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