Page 170 - Wholeness
P. 170
fraud. People become members of such quasi organizations only
for personal benefit.
There is chaos! False democracy, fake theology, false beliefs,
huge hoaxes and whatnots!
There is no other choice but social organization and a new
system – the whole, as the only way out of the present situation.
The derailed train has to be brought back on tracks. Rather than
revolutions or bloodsheds, what is needed is spreading positive
energy and promoting unity for the salvation of the whole society.
The only possible way toward the future for the entire world is a
democratic system or democratic dialectical realism in which the
United Nations would be reorganized or a new world institution
would be established. The organized whole is the only way for
the society to get to a higher level. All it takes is to connect a few
pieces and to create the whole.
Nationalism and racism are among the greatest obstacles to the
social development. The national values and interests of one
state are placed above those the others. It is a deeply rooted
situation which started when a group of people first banded
together to promote their interests. The survival and progress of
a collective or state depends on the strengthening of the morale
of its members that they are better than the others or trying to be
better than the others.