Page 88 - Wholeness
P. 88
as separated from real life. Pessimism has overpowered the
world and the possibility for a better life is rejected. The downfall
of communism increased even more the skepticism about the
possibility of a better life.
In the minds of all believers, regardless of their religion, life is
separated into real and spiritual. The ethical idea that happiness
can not be found in the earthly existence but in the union with
God, relativizes social progress.
In order to get to the true path of social development, we must
learn and act to recognize and create the whole. Only when
people believe in the whole can they save themselves from the
current difficult position.
“Good is permanent, evil is temporary and will become
extinct in the whole.”
Democratic systems in recent history as well as in current
democracies throughout the world perceive the need to change
or improve. The obvious shortcomings that emerged in the
democratic system led to realistic thinking about perfecting it.
Direct democracy is defined as a system in which citizens decide
on any major political issues. It is called direct, because it
virtually involves no mediators or representatives. Direct