Page 196 - Wholeness
P. 196

“If  we  are  all  children  of  Adam  and  Eve,  it  means  we  are  all
        relatives,  so  should  relatives  kill  each  other?  We  have  one

        history. Why is history different if we are relatives?”

        In  order  to  function  properly,  the  whole  needs  organization.
        Unorganized whole consists of fragments that are in permanent

        conflict between one another, a situation that is perpetuated by
        the rulers in order to have power. To have power over someone

        is a historic primitivism, while mutual respect and understanding
        one another creates positive feelings. We should do our best to

        create happy people because it will bring serenity and prosperity

        to each individual on the planet Earth.

        History should be insignificant because it is different and mixed in

        order to create discontent among people. It talks about customs
        and  traditions  that  essentially  highlight  differences.  Each

        difference causes intolerance and hatred towards the other.

        The same goes for all the countries in the world,  regardless of
        their  wealth  or  development.  World  War  I  and  II  are  not  far

        behind,  only  70  years,  but  hatred  and  nationalism  are  still
        present, even though seemingly forgiven and forgotten.

        Why  is  Great  Britain  leaving  the  European  Union  and  other
        countries  would  like  to  follow  suit?  Because  this  Union  is  fake

        and  based  on  individual  interests.  Unions  like  that  have  no

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