Page 195 - Wholeness
P. 195

why?  Hatred  is  most  often  incited  because  history  emphasizes
        the collective to which a person belongs. Today two neighboring

        countries  have  different  history  and  this  causes  hatred  and
        intolerance. History is sometimes used to disqualify a community

        and thereby provoke hatred.

        The  present  social  relationships  do  not  change  for  subjective
        reasons as well. Historically, each war causes huge casualties,

        destruction  of  material  goods  that  have  been  built  by
        generations.  Wars  cause  great  harms,  but  a  small  number  of

        people profit from them. They are the ones who start them.

        Why? The reason is obvious, for personal unjust enrichment.

        How can someone get rich by waging wars?

        A warring country, whether it is winning or losing, economically
        weakens and gets poorer. In order to continue its development, it

        has to borrow money. The lender profits from the interest rates

        on the borrowed money, all the others lose.

        The  lenders  always  glorify  history  to  provide  space  for  further

        tensions  and  conflicts  when  it  becomes  necessary.  Almost  all
        countries have poor relationships with their neighbors. When the

        time comes, tension can easily turn into conflict and start war.

        This can be explained in a different, lighter way.

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