Page 192 - Wholeness
P. 192

devoid  of  purpose.  It  creates  chaotic  feelings,  anxiety  and
        uneasiness in people throughout the world.

        Demagoguery  prevails  and  is  used  for  self-protection  and

        defense of one’s status when it is threatened.

        Today’s social relations are disturbed and promote false values.

        Worthless  forms  are  highlighted  as  essential,  while  the  true
        essence  is  minimized  and  not  even  mentioned.  Traditional

        relationships are considered unchangeable and good.

        This  situation  creates  invisible  restlessness  and  schizophrenic

        feelings. Discontent and presence of something mysterious and

        unnatural  is  felt  but  not  seen.  The  enforced  pace  of  life  and
        struggle for the daily promoted empty form are part of this uneasy

        feeling. We are tightly enveloped by a cover that is, in fact, very
        porous, but we have no courage to see it. The cover is like an

        egg  shell,  demagogically  very  hard  and  filled  with  mysticism.

        Humankind  is  close  to  breaking  this  shell,  but  the  prevailing
        cancerous  relationships  do  their  best  to  prevent  this  thin  shell

        from breaking and revealing the true values that we desire and
        are part of us.

        Speculations  of the type  “society  is going  in  the  right  direction”
        are  just  conspiracy  that  is  intended  to  perpetuate  the  existing

        social relations. These relations are defended tooth and nail. This

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