Page 150 - Wholeness
P. 150

According  to  Durkheim,  the  functional  whole  is  the  pathway
        towards  social  development.  Durkheim’s  most  significant

        philosophical solution reveals the social dynamics that changes
        social relationships.

        The  functional  whole  needs  to  be  seen  as  a  unit,  not  as  a

        collective of individuals who live in a state. The whole is the total
        number of individuals on the planet Earth, the unity of the whole

        creates equality, trust and prosperity in the development of both
        the society and the individual.

        Anthropology  as  science  has  seen  the  need  for the  creation of

        unified education, unified legal system, unified governance… The
        initial or starting prerequisite is to raise collective consciousness

        that will clearly see what is beneficial for the society. Collective
        consciousness will create better social relationships in the whole

        that will lead to collective serenity and well-being.

        Immanuel  Kant  (1724-1804)  is  a  central  figure  in  modern
        philosophy. His contribution to metaphysics, epistemology, ethics

        and  aesthetics  had  a  lasting  effect  on  almost  all  of  the
        subsequent philosophical movements.

        The only motive that can produce moral value, he claims, is the
        one                           resulting                          from

        “universal principles discovered through reason”.

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