Page 135 - Wholeness
P. 135

Buddha pays special attention to the ways how to cope with the
        upsetting course of life, which is volatile and filled with pain.

        The  way  to  perfection  is  reaching  the  ultimate  truth  and  moral

        excellence. Following the eternal law of existence means going
        along the path of ethics. In Buddhism, as in the other religions

        and  in  the  wisdom  of  philosophers,  there  are  messages  that
        should guide us in the right direction to make the world a better

        place. The creation and recognition of the whole will provide the
        new platform with improved values and substance.

        Buddhism unites morality and knowledge.

        In  the  pursuit  for  the  highest  truth,  we  have  to  get  to  know
        ourselves first and spread knowledge selflessly to the society.

        Plato  (424-347  BCE)  was  the  founder  of  the  first  Academy  in
        Athens  that  worked  for  nine  centuries.  Plato  developed

        philosophical methods that became the base of the philosophical

        thought today. He says there is general and necessary truth that
        has  absolute  significance.  In  his  teaching  about  the  being,  he

        thinks  that  the  world  that  is  available  to  our  senses  and  we
        consider objectively  real  is  not  the  way  it  seems  to  us.  In fact,

        that  world  is  deceptive,  unreal,  illusionary.  The  objects  and
        occurrences of our senses are fleeting, transient and imperfect.

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