Page 125 - Wholeness
P. 125
Alexander the Great fought to create a whole, one world; Jesus
sacrificed himself for the sake of humankind; Mother Theresa
devoted her life to help people; Marie Skłodowska Curie, great
physicist and chemist, pioneered research on radioactivity.
Throughout history, great philosophers and many other people
from all over the world worked selflessly and dedicated their work
to the well-being of humanity and humanity remembers them as
great people.
One of the richest people in the world today once said, “This
system is not good and we should adopt socialism.” This man,
who could virtually buy states, was enlightened and became
philanthropist. He highlighted the need to change social
relationships, regardless of the fact that his choice was a system
that proved itself to be dysfunctional.
Equal education will enable people to recognize true values.
Demagoguery that rules in the present democracy, will be
identified as such and rejected. Demagogues will not be able to
thrive in a healthy environment. They are successful today
because the low level of social relationships allows people to act
badly. The organized system of the whole will be impervious to
negative elements.
The need to create the whole is an inevitable future process that
will promote positive social development. Throughout centuries,