Page 122 - Wholeness
P. 122
Investments are made in Country B, in building schools, housing
developments; loans for sustainable development given by the
World Bank, etc. In ten years, Country B has a GDP per capita of
USD 15,000.
Country B, that exported 100 million dollars of its products to
Country B, in ten years will have increased its export to Country
B by six times, or 600 million dollars. It means that Country A will
have higher GDP as well. This mathematics is a conjecture and
abstraction, but in essence no one loses if the whole goes
upward in every way. People in underdeveloped countries suffer
economic stagnation, they neither generate nor consume and
instead they find ways to emigrate to developed countries.
Nobody benefits if they do not exist on the economic market.
Social planning will eliminate the current problem of
hyperproduction. Surplus labor force will be engaged on public
works because of the overall benefit to society. Finding ways to
populate other planets is a natural course in the development of
the humankind. Our energy should be directed toward higher
causes. It is our duty to achieve higher social development and
thereby change the social needs.
Inheritance, something we all get from our parents or family, has
always been a philosophical bone of contention.