Page 128 - Wholeness
P. 128

parents,  which  is  ridiculous  even  today  in  developed  countries
        and  cultures.  Cupboard  love  will  also  belong  to  the  past.  One-

        sided love is not love. Even St. John Chrysostom said a long time

        “If you want to be loved, love.”

        Diogenes  tried  to  reform  morality  and  establish  new  norms  of
        conduct that, according to him, would be better and more proper.

        He sought to expose the falsity of most conventional standards

        and  beliefs  and  to  call  men  back  to  a  simple,  natural  life.
        Tradition ascribes to him the famous search for an honest human

        being, conducted in broad daylight, with a lighted lantern.

        If Diogenes could be reincarnated, he would be sorry to see that

        it took us so much time to make the world a nice place to live.

        Socrates (470-399 BCE) used a method of asking his collocutor

        a series of questions not only to draw out individual answers but

        also to encourage fundamental insight into the issue at hand. His
        skillfully asked questions helped a person or group to determine

        the extent of their own knowledge.

        This is a negative method of hypothesis elimination where better

        hypotheses  are  found  by  steadily  identifying  and  eliminating

        those  that  lead  to  contradictions.  It  was  designed  to  make  a

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