Page 220 - THE PATH
P. 220
he is going to lose the spotlight, he sees that he will not be
able to buy anything he wants with money. He can buy the
latest make of Porsche but he can not buy a remarkable
girl-friend who does not hate his breath and the stinky acid
of his skin. She will not leave her boy-friend who has a
small house and does not worry how to pay property tax
this year. She will be lying next to her beloved boyfriend,
reading a good book and feeling happy. She will study
hard to graduate without any pressure and this will enable
her to prosper in life together with her loved one.
The new system will be fair to all and will not serve only
certain minorities. It is not fair and just when few people
harass and torment while the majority live on a shoestring.
We have to think about the future, how to strengthen the
whole, to love people and take pride in our progress. We
have to change our old habits and also keep up and
expand the good old values. We are the ones who have to
change the world for the better.