Page 189 - THE PATH
P. 189
Angelina had beautiful bright eyes, her body was perfect.
I was captivated by the breath of her lips. I still remember
the sexual experiences with her.
One day, there was panic at work. Everyone rushed to tidy
up their work space because the owner of the company
was coming. All employees were very attentive and
reported the results of their work to him. During the
meeting, a girl was sitting next to the boss. I must have
drawn her attention because later on she approached me
and asked for my name.
After a brief conversation with her, I found out she was my
boss’s daughter. After a few days, my desk phone rang. It
was Jessica, my boss’s daughter. She invited me to dinner
and I accepted. We had been dating for several months
when I proposed marriage to her and Jessica immediately
said yes. This is how I became my boss’s son-in-law.
Shortly after our wedding, I became the general manager
of the company. My sex life with Jessica dwindled from
day to day. After two years our sexual relationship was in
jeopardy. I had trouble laying in bed to have sex with my
wife. I had to take Viagra and close my eyes, but at that