Page 185 - THE PATH
P. 185
Every gambler or a thief does his best to point out to his
child that gabling/theft is bad and he would not like his
child to follow suit. Everyone loves their children and
wishes for their children to have a better life. This kind of
relationship has always existed. Today’s society has to
provide a better life for their offspring. Future generations
should live better than we do, in a better system through
proper education and profiling.
Today’s social issues must be solved in a positive
direction by improving social relations. It is important to
find the proper way towards the solution. Some will
experience short-term dissatisfaction but eventually
everybody will understand that in the long run this is a win-
win situation. It is to be expected for the new system to
bring a lot of changes, but they have to be reasonable,
gradual and complete.
Concerns about the current social relations should be
great because they could lead to the third world war in
which we all lose. It would bring total destruction and self-
annihilation. Therefore our most important task today is to
start changing current social relations.