Page 187 - THE PATH
P. 187
to nice restaurants, I am served like a gentleman. My wife
and children are well, thank God, and they love me
because I am a good father and husband and meet their
needs. Why would I change. Tomorrow, some business
friends of mine are coming to dinner on my yacht. Good
food and drinks will be served and we are going to have
I do not even think that tomorrow everything can change.
Tomorrow morning I have a meeting with the general
manager, who comes at eight. I arrive half an hour earlier
and tell my secretary to make sure everything is in its
place. Smith (the General Manager) comes on time, does
not talk much, just informs me bluntly that I am dismissed
from my job without much of an explanation. He just says
that the company goes down and my department is being
Time passes and I can not find a job similar to the
previous. I have no money to pay the mortgage. In several
months I lose the house, my wife leaves me because she
has found the man of her dreams. My children scatter
around the world and call me only on Easter and