Page 180 - THE PATH
P. 180
Their governments will manage their territories according
to the laws adopted by the United Nations. A single
currency worldwide will solve many of today’s problems.
Taxes collected in all the regions of the world will be equal
and will be spent for the development of the whole world.
Should the companies be worried about these changes?
They lose nothing and gain everything. All the companies
operating in the world today are sustained by their work.
No change in future will affect their work, it will only be
facilitated, free from all the various border control
procedures and hold-ups. They gain new and wealthier
markets and increase of sales. Companies today pay
taxes and that is not going to change in future. Therefore,
companies in the world will only profit from these changes.
Their development in future will e faster and safer.
Dialectical realism will move the whole world in a positive
direction that recognizes values and condemns the
negative phenomena of today. Collective satisfaction will
increase daily. Love will be brought to a higher level and
peace will prevail throughout the world.