Page 163 - Wholeness
P. 163
get great power and thereby influence society. Evil spread and
increased from such social relations.
Every single day, more people are killed than ever before. This
situation created crises in society, bad interstate relations,
economic crises, overproduction, increased nationalism,
increased racism, expansion of various relatively new infectious
diseases and other individual evils created by vain or
unenlightened people.
The situation in the world is very bad, there is not a country in the
world that is not affected by problems. Disorganization of society
is used to impose individual interests and goals.
An organized society with the support of dialectical realism is the
only social remedy or cure to heal society or the whole. Our goal
in future should be recovery of our society and putting it on the
right track.
People are responsible for what is happening in the world. The
solution to today’s problems anywhere in the world can only be
found by those who are affected by them. However, globally,
people are depressed and the level of general happiness is very
People in the world need to be educated to recognize that the
whole has always been there, and then to publicly reveal that