Page 79 - THE PATH
P. 79

It  is  absolutely  necessary  for  the  wars  to  stop.
            However, the right way to solve this social problem has to

            be found.

                   Dialectical realism  has  found  a  method  to

            diminish this negative phenomenon. Given that wars  are
            caused  by  the  interests  of  the  countries,  the  solution

            would be to create a single interest in the whole world. If

            there is a single interest, there is no reason to wage wars;
            there  are  no  Ours  and  Yours.  Collective  reason  has  not

            had a chance to solve these issues yet.

                   The time has come to strengthen the whole. Only
            by rapprochement and unification of all the countries into

            a whole a future is possible where warfare, killing, rape,

            corruption, crime and lies will become history.

                   Historically,  the  United  Nations  have  been created
            to strengthen the whole, but it is obvious that they have a

            lot  of  subjective  and  objective  obstacles.  Therefore

            reorganization of the UN should be a priority for the world.

            Reorganization  of  the  UN  should  be  done  bye  means  of
            dialectical realism, which in fact will include the whole

            scientific thought.

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