Page 78 - THE PATH
P. 78
resources, water, food…). As bands grew larger, the
number of wars increased.
This social system led to creation of states.
Continuous warfare created empires (Byzantium,
Roman…). The defeated states were annexed to the
winning state or divided among the winning countries.
War spoils, material goods, natural resources, new
markets, establishing satellite governments, selling of
weapons, were additional motives that stimulated further
war conflicts. Paradoxically, in history, with the
development of man the number of wars increased,
instead of the logical inversely proportional expectations.
Reason has not contributed at all for the extinction of
wars. Men’s endless greed only perfected warfare. This
was spiced with additional amount of propaganda,
religious fanaticism, nationalism and patriotism, which
created conditions for increasing hatred among people
and nations. Today is a time of culmination. Wars and
irrationality have reached their maximum and it is time for
the curve to go downward. This means that man’s reason
is not fully developed. In fact, individual reason is not
enough to solve these social issues.