Page 73 - THE PATH
P. 73
party is considerably harmed. A solution to this issue will
be found in the time to come.
In future, the individual interest will undergo
evolution and collective interest will come first. The whole
will take over the individual interest and collective interest
will become more significant. Collective satisfaction and
happiness will be most important.
Dialectical realism can identify the human
genetic code. During the Olympic Games, while we are
riveted to the television set and watch the sportsmen
compete, what is the feeling throughout the world when a
new world record is set?
Of course, everybody is happy at that moment.
Actually, it is collective happiness.
The education of collective awareness in future will
unite the individual interest into a collective interest.
The states in the world are also obstacles to the
social development. They are units, but still parts of a
whole and each of them works for itself. It is like a
machine with many gear-wheels where each gear-wheels
turns on its own and the machine does not work. When all
the gear-wheels are synchronized, the machine will work