Page 7 - THE PATH
P. 7
I started going to school and even though I did not
like it at the beginning, in time it became more
It was at school that I faced the first small cases of
injustice. I used to do my homework regularly. Our
teacher always checked it. One day, it was the second or
the third class period, we had math, and she started
checking our notebooks. I presented mine but when I
opened it – to my surprise the last page with the
homework was not there. I was too confused to say
anything. The teacher scolded me so sharply that I still
remember it.
I was wondering for several days how the last page
with my homework could disappear. Eventually I found
out it that the classmate sitting next to me had torn it and
put it in his notebook. What e devious nine-year-old boy!
I realized children were able to copy their parents
from a very young age. I came to a turning point, but will
come back to it later on in this book.
When I was fourteen, I joined high school of
economics. The years at high school were great. I was
rather hot-headed and mischievous and only interested to