Page 34 - Wholeness
P. 34
In the future, it will be important to understand good human
relationships and this will result from the social relations.
Happiness, love, and serenity will be part of people’s lives.
Evil and bad behavior will be forgotten as there will be no
need or interest for them.
Does a mentally healthy person who has five million dollars
feel the need to break into a poor house and steal fifty
Love is the most significant feeling. It is the essence of life
itself. It should be directed at everything that exists. It has
now been degraded and not able to rule in the current social
relations. Violence is present in social systems in which
there is no general desire for good social organization.
Good organization is desired by individuals as it is part of
their nature.
Demagogy is a tool used to mess things up and make 2+2
be equal to 5. Money is used for bribing and demagogy,
where the strong oppress the weak.
Human kind is not inherently evil. Evil becomes part of
human relations when a person wants to protect themself.
Bad social relations create evil. People’s faith should be