Page 257 - Wholeness
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terrible power of demagoguery; to turn its conduct towards
humaneness that will not hurt others, but do good, as the most
sophisticated aspect of human existence. “No future government
shall declare war.” Ethics is a study that helps people develop
skills to find the correct attitudes and act humanely. The author
goes even further by suggesting that humanity should unite as a
WHOLE, in which it will recognize the true goals and turn the
Earth into its blissful, universal fatherland, not fragmented into
warring and hateful states. Gicevski presents his positions and
visions for such a united whole that will provide happiness and
serenity for the humankind. As for the United Nations, great
thinkers used to express their opinion about it immediately after it
had been established, and Gicevski also has some suggestions
how to improve this organization by giving authentic solutions
concerning its activities and staffing capacities.
It is not simple to accept Toni Gicevski’s profuse attitudes in his
philosophic attempt to expose people’s illusions and to search for
the right path people should follow in order to solve their truly
difficult issues. It is not just about the choice of questions people
should address and ask for help. Gicevski acts as a true
humanist in all of his positions and visions.
The third book in this series is THE WHOLENESS (2017),
subtitled “Philosophy of human conditions and the path towards