Page 254 - Wholeness
P. 254
consciously and responsibly towards their own and the world's
Gicevski wrote his crucial book “The Path” in 2014, in which he
openly, with universal concern and qualities of an ancient sage,
exposed his view on the greatest threat to today’s humanity,
indicating that humanity seems not to be aware of the huge
problems that pile up and mislead people instead of providing
good solutions. This book was published in English, in 2017.
In “The Path”, Gicevski presents his versatile positions that result
from his life experiences. However, it is not an autobiography, but
a work in which the author nobly wants to highlight human
inherent goodness and to place in the foreground the
humaneness that has been pushed back by today’s egotism of
people. He is convinced that it is possible to have better life. He
locates human existential problems primarily in the vices and lust
for power that need to end in order to set free the original
creative power of love that will connect people and lead them
throughout the wonderful but neglected regions of the Earth.
“The whole will create true love,” the author concludes. In terms
of intellect, humanity will be using the method of dialectical
realism, where truth will be revealed and upgraded by means of
analysis of real existential contradictions.