Page 182 - Wholeness
P. 182

Porn movies are very rarely watched in groups, yet porn industry
        is thriving. Individual morale and ethics need to be felt. This has

        to  be  emphasized  in  order  to  be  able  to  change.  Where  is
        consciousness? We have to wake up. Human reason must find a

        rational solution to improve the present condition.

        There are various theories about social stagnation that serve to
        justify the present system, to say that it is part of people’s nature

        and that fighting is an inborn human characteristic. It is not true
        and it is not going to be like that in future. Bad intentions will not

        be  justified.  Individual  interest  will  decrease,  while  collective

        interest  will  increase.  Today,  we  witness  moments  when
        collective interest is emphasized, but the system in which we live

        dilutes them and we find the problems of the following day more

        important.  When  this  is  addressed,  the  conclusion  is  that  the
        present social relations keep us under pressure and do not allow

        us to think and change things for the better.

        In order to delve deeper into the matter, the systems that operate

        in most countries in the world need to be explained.

        Today’s  political  systems  in  the  world  need  to  be  analyzed  in

        order to reveal the negative elements that are ingrained into the

        fiber of political relationships.

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