Page 183 - Wholeness
P. 183

There  are  various  political  systems  but  they  share  certain
        common  elements.  Social  relations  are  preoccupied  by

        insignificant  demagogical  topics  that  leaders  and  numerous
        institutions highlight as having primary importance.

        There are mass media that are used for certain communities, to
        boost the morale of its viewers in order to meet interests that are

        basically  outdated  and  do  not  contribute  towards  social


        Negative  element  in  all  the  current  political  systems  is  the


        It is seemingly normal for each country to have its own interests

        and  goals.  State  interests  are  justified  as  normal  so  that  its
        citizens could live better in the future. Every leader emphasizes

        the  interest  of  their  country  in  order  to  attract  more  supporters

        and voters.

        From this it can be inferred that the number of various interests

        equals  the  number  of  states.  Diverse  interests  create  conflicts.
        Each  state  uses  all  possible  means  to  protect  its  interests  and

        realize its goals.

        The whole will bring closer and merge these diverse interests into

        a single interest for the benefit of the entire humanity.
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