Page 159 - Wholeness
P. 159
interest can be obtained in the whole in which injustice is reduced
and, in time, evil disappears.
Current relations in the world resulted in social crisis in all areas,
the essence is weighed upon by various actions that cause
depression in people. Social development resulted in
technological innovations that provided conditions for social
changes. Creation of the whole and its acknowledgement is the
only solution to the problem.
Spencer’s significance lies in his understanding of the positive
social aspects of the creation of the whole.
Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) is a political philosopher of the 20
century. Hannah writes about topics such as the possibility and
conditions of a humane and democratic public life, the forces that
threaten such a life, and the conflict between private and public
interests. Her thoughts span totalitarianism, revolution, the nature
of freedom and the faculties of thought and judgement, history of
political thought and so on.
Essentially, she contemplates progress and ways for people to
have better life. She offers stringent critique of traditional political
philosophy, and the dangers it presents to the political sphere as
an autonomous domain of human practice. For Hannah, a
person’s coming into this world is equated with the appearance of