Page 157 - Wholeness
P. 157

universal  experience  is  possible  in  an  established  whole  in
        which  there  is  growing  trust  for  better  social  development.  The

        current  division  of  the  whole  creates  people  who  are  on  the
        opposite  sides  of  the  spectrum  of  knowledge  and  this

        disproportion produces inequality which, in turn, gives way to evil.

        Isaac  Newton  (1642-1727),  English  physicist,  mathematician,
        astronomer and philosopher.  Primarily  a  physicist,  Newton  also

        contributed  to  philosophy.  For  example,  his  work  in  the  field of
        methodology  of  scientific  research  is  particularly  interesting.

        Newton  combined  methods  of  induction  and  deduction  in  his

        experimental studies.

        In order to improve current social relationships, various methods

        to discover the truth have to be used. Dialectical realism provides
        opportunities to get to new truths, it is flexible and needs to be

        socially  acknowledged.  When  the  society  or  the  whole

        acknowledges  certain  social  idea,  it  becomes  socially
        acknowledged.  This  would  diminish  the  risk  of  failure  and

        mistakes  with  negative  implications.  The  idea  of  social
        development in one part of the whole was wrong and the effects

        were detrimental.

        It  is  our  duty  to  devise  methods  to  attain  social  well-being
        because it will benefit the society as a whole.

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