Page 156 - Wholeness
P. 156
be happy only through standardized learning conditions that
provide people with knowledge, skills and abilities. This will
educate individuals that will accept the good and reject the evil.
The greatest obstacle for human development is the unequal
access to experience and knowledge. By dealing with this issue
and solving it, progressive results will be inevitably obtained. In
such circumstances, thought will rise and spread. Belief and
opinion will be free from pressure and get more value in the
social relationships.
When we talk about better life, rather than having in mind a
single person, we refer to the collective. If a single person’s life is
improved, it is usually at the expense of others and this condition
brings discontent which creates evil.
In a society, no life is superior or inferior. It is the fragmentation of
the whole that has created such notion, but it is an issue that has
to be addressed and changed.
Numerous divided quantities create separate qualities within the
whole and this does not produce positive development of the
society. What is considered quality in one state is not perceived
as such in another, whose quality criteria are higher.
Experience gained in various communities and surroundings
shapes the character of a person. Enlightenment and gaining