Page 27 - THE PATH
P. 27
My granny wanted to teach me about the strength
of the family, emphasizing the importance of harmony and
respect. One day she gave me a twig to break and I did.
Then she gave me a bundle of twigs and told me to break
it, but I could not.
Imagine having eight billion twigs. How are you
going to break them? The whole will reach the goal! It is
indisputable. We only have to want it.
We have to look the truth in the eye. If we don’t
create strong and tough whole, its parts will be
*Pre-humaneness (inhumaneness) – a term used by the
author to denote imperfect societies, from their origin up till
* Humaneness – a term used by the author to denote
perfect society in which the man will become Human.
*The noun “man” is generally used to denote mankind,
all the people in the world, both men and women, and the
pronoun “he” is used for the sake of style, instead of using
“he/she” or “they”.