Page 30 - THE PATH
P. 30
been applied, while the philosophers’ outlook and
inexperience led to undesired effects.
The first important element when treating and
analyzing society is to take it as a whole and not as an
individual state or continent. As much as one may try, the
whole can not be separated.
Some states require visas in order to decide
whether a non-resident can enter the state or not. Visas
are obstacles and barriers to the influx of immigrants and
yet, from day to day, immigrants inhabit the western
world one way or another and at any cost.
The fact that there is interaction between
developed and developing countries is proof enough for
the interconnectedness of the world as a whole. It is a
case in point that the whole can not be divided. When
discovering the Truth, the abstraction of parts of the
whole does not give relevant results.
There are philosophers who resort to inventions
and subjective reasons to divide the whole into
geographical, economic and even intellectual categories.
(The West being seemingly more developed because its
cooler climate produces a variety of individuals, that is to