Page 32 - THE PATH
P. 32

Dissatisfaction  of  small  groups  appears  because
            their unity is divided. The solution to this and other similar

            issues is reunification of the whole.

                   At a point in history a group of countries united into

            the Non-Aligned Movement. Its aim was to create a new
            social  system  and  reestablish  balance  between  the  two

            blocks. However, it was not entirely sincere, and therefore

            this independent union dissolved (even though it officially
            still exists on paper).

                   The  insincerity  or  the  fault  in  this  movement  is

            evident in its very name – Independent countries. When a
            country is independent, it aims at being superior to other

            countries.  The  strengthening  of  one  country  actually

            avoids the creation of a whole.

                   Dialectical realism and its super-analysis claim
            that treatment, changing and progress are not possible if

            the  whole  is  not  whole.  Parts  of  the  whole  can  not  be

            changed and improved while the others fall behind.

                   We have to observe the world as a group, that is,
            as  a  sports  team.  A  football  team  can  not  be  a  team

            without a goal keeper or a back. The team is a whole. The

            abstraction  of  these  facts  throughout  history  and  even
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