Page 179 - THE PATH
P. 179

by 70 million people. What would the rest six billion plus
            inhabitants do?

            The solution would be sought in wars and in creation of

            diseases (created in laboratories) that would reduce the

            number of total population in the world. But the decreased
            number of population gives even worse maths, because

            consumption will be reduced.

            Everything comes down to the fact that natural processes

            can not be distorted by force. Action causes reaction.

            The new organization of the social relations will absorb the

            entire population fit for work and will create new values. It
            is necessary to get out of the old clichés and look for new

            directions of development and progress for the whole
            humanity – a future process that must clearly start today.

            The prerequisite for this to happen  is for everyone to be
            educated and therefore a common system of education

            worldwide is needed. A single legal system is also needed

            to avoid disgruntled people. The necessity for a
            consolidated whole is clear, unambiguous and obvious.

            In time, the new, reorganized United Nations will govern
            the world. Today’s independent countries will only

            determine them geographically.
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