Page 174 - THE PATH
P. 174
Since the beginning, man has progressed mentally and
physically in every respect. Throughout history, he
developed tools to improve his life and thereby advanced
technological development.
Wheel, fire and other later inventions, such as electricity,
cars, etc, were great inventions in their respective times.
This means that man develops and changes in every
aspect of his existence.
Progress and development were stimulated and motivated
by the new products that were more competitive than the
previous ones. Social relations followed this progress and
Historically, social development and social relations
are directly proportional.
Today this disproportionate parallel natural process is
being disturbed and this causes numerous deformities in
the society.
Market relations in the world are very close. It is not a
problem to purchase goods from China, India, the USA,
Russia, Brazil or any other country in the world.