Page 152 - THE PATH
P. 152

We have imposed and unreasonable social relations that
            are socially recognized and we find ourselves lost in a

            maze that may not have an exit.

            Today’s social relations create metastasis in the closed

            labyrinth which does not allow sustainability and
            development. We all accept and approve this as a normal

            present state.

            Our silence could be interpreted as approval of the

            negative social relations. Book Two actually tries to stir up
            our thinking in order to provide remedy for the

            metastasized social tissue and an exit from the vicious


            What I would like to do is to clarify, explain, simplify and
            analyze the segments of the real truth so that it can be

            more readily revealed. The feelings of each person are

            correct and true because they are part of the human
            genesis, but there are many reasons that prevent them to

            be stirred, experienced and acknowledged. Therefore, the
            reasons that limit the discovery of the real truth will be

            treated in this book. A case in point would be the birth of

            each child in the world. Each infant comes to this world
            pure, innocent and kind, but while growing up they face

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