Page 155 - THE PATH
P. 155
Some even have their own private instant success.
However, man lives in a society and therefore he can not
individually increase the level of serenity. Occasionally,
there are people who decide to live by themselves and do
not want to communicate with other people. They are
basically angry with the current social relations. Hence, it
is clear that the solution can be found only in the creation
of a wholesome social stability.
Book Two gets to the bottom of feelings, trying to stir up
the settled deposits of man’s feelings. It tries to wake up
the feelings that will contribute towards recognition and
verification of the real truth. Dialectical realism will be used
as a tool to find the real truth and hence the social
recognition. In order to replace the present truth with the
future new real truth people should become aware of the
benefits of raising to a higher level of development of the
society as a whole.
For example, wars are not justified by anybody on this
planet. Yet they are sustained and managed by the
governments of some countries, which is a contradiction
by itself. A person who does not approve of wars justifies
wars as necessary for some public purpose.