Page 147 - THE PATH
P. 147

Everything is marvellous like a fairy tale written by Hans
            Christian Andersen, or the novel “Doctor Zhivago” by Boris

            Pasternak, which depicts the beautiful, snowy scenery in
            the north of Russia.

            This beautiful world is governed by man . He has
            developed sense, speech and intelligence and emerged

            as the leader of the planet.

            Every leader must be responsible and fulfil their natural

            duties and responsibilities. Their  primary goal and
            objective must be the survival and preservation of the

            entire environment.

            Throughout history, led by existential motives, man did not

            care enough about  his natural environment, but did not
            make major mistakes because he did not have the tools

            and power to do it.

            Today, man has more stamina and power to cause

            considerable problems.

            1  In order to be as true to the original text as possible, “man” is used as a
            gender neutral noun, encompassing both men and women. The same applies
            to the pronouns he/his/him (translator’s note).
            2  When the text allows, they/them/their was used as gender neutral pronoun,
            instead of he/she/him/her. (t/n)
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