Page 146 - THE PATH
P. 146
Our beloved planet abounds in natural beauties,
everything is beautifully placed – idyllic, impeccably
created, stylish, well balanced. There are various climate
zones, desolate and arid regions, beautiful dense forests,
icy winter areas, tropical oases, crystal clear beaches,
divine rivers. There are large blue waters we call oceans,
seas, lakes. Words lack to describe the wonderful wildlife:
polar bears with silvery white fur; uniquely patterned
snakes from Sahara; cute China pandas; thousands of
small and sweet, huge and bulky animals… divine
creatures. Everything is in place. It was in this natural
world, as ornate as a Louis 14 hat, that man was created
and he eventually advanced speech, reason and
responsibility as the dominant species on the planet Earth.
The diversity of the people around the world is
overwhelming. Skin colour is diversity that fascinates. See
how beautiful our children are, look at the Japanese little
girl with straight, black, shiny hair, slanted eyes, like a doll.
See the young people taking part at the Olympic Games,
spreading positive energy from various parts of the world.