Page 263 - Wholeness
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the limits it has imposed on itself that gave rise to enmities with
        neighboring countries and regions, instead of establishing close

        connections.  The  united  whole  will  provide  space  for  all  the
        nations  and  all  individuals  who  will  enjoy  their  equality  and

        brotherhood, while the new forms of freedom will enable dignified

        existence and personal self-confidence.

        The Wholeness is the envisioned goal of humanity that will open

        up not only to the world but to other neighboring planets as well,
        once  explorations  prove  possible  their  colonization.  The  future

        will  bring  glorious  existence  of  the  humankind,  worthy  of  it

        qualities, mind and ethics.

        The Path is the way in which a person travels through life and

        through space in history. The Path is a signpost that indicates the
        true way to happiness in the future.

        This is what Gicevski wrote in his books, indicating that human

        existence  should  not  be  defined  by  its  inertia,  blunders,
        manipulations  and  similar  negative  aspects.  On  the  contrary,

        humanity  must  be  motivated  by  morality,  by  a  dream  about
        unification, friendship, and respect and by the knowledge that the

        Wholeness  will  unite  us  with  love  and  without  borders.  That  is

        Gievski’s dream, his vision about the Wholeness and its meaning
        for the united humankind.

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