Page 208 - Wholeness
P. 208
Whether rich, poor or middle class, people always fall short of
something. The poor think they will be perfectly happy once they
get money, even though there are examples when their
ambitions were fulfilled, but happiness was not found.
People do not differ much to be so divided. It is not difficult to
improve this situation and make people equal.
The first steps must be made in a collective education that will
explain that the future will bring good living. In the future,
people’s frame of mind has to change.
Such a change will be possible in the whole.
The desire to excel inevitably led to social progress. Seemingly,
this is not bad. Development is motivated by the desire to be
better than the others in order to achieve a goal. The downside of
this is that the other side suffers in the process.
This kind of social relations will have to be changed because it
will have negative impact on the future social relationships. It was
the envy toward those who are more successful, the desire to
destroy those who are better and take their place, that led to
murders, wars and bloodsheds. Nowadays it finds expression in
politics, business life, love relationships and in various other
aspects of social life.